
How One Weekend Changed the Future of Education

Automation Alley
February 4, 2022
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We're starting a brand new Conversation With series! This time Tom is sitting down with Dr. Ora Pescovitz from Oakland University. After a quick introduction, they dive right in; Dr. Pescovitz talks about how one weekend caused the entire college to pivot.

It's the moment you've all been waiting for; Conversation With is back! This is the series where we sit down with our partners and do a deep dive into their perspective on the future, as well gain insight into some of their defining moments.

This time Automation Alley Executive Director and CEO Tom Kelly is talking to Oakland University's own Dr. Ora Pescovitz. They spend this episode getting to know each other a bit better, then jumping right in to the fateful day where everything changed for the university. Watch it below and be sure to tune in every Tuesday for a new episode!

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